version 1.0.0, 2014-02-27 : Initial version
Preserving quotes in pdf generated by dblatex
Explanations about how to get rid of the ugly quotes generated in the pdf files from dblatex through asciidoc.1. Issue
When you write some block of code with apostrophes, these are transformed by pdflatex to backquotes. For example, this asciidoc block:
[source,bash] ----- awk '{print $1}' -----
Gets transformed to:
awk ’{print $1}’
And when it’s in an IT procedure from which you use some copy/paste, it can quickly become a nightmare.
2. Solution
Add this line at the end of your style file:
If you don’t already have a custom one, copy the default one (/etc/asciidoc/dblatex/asciidoc-dblatex.sty) and add the line above at the end of it.
To generate the document using the custom style file, do it this way:
a2x -fpdf -L --dblatex-opts=" -s <CUSTOM_STYLE_FILE_PATH>" <ASCIIDOC_TEXT_FILE>